Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 79

So, after reading Andrew's comment yesterday on my blog, I decided to try a different kind of HIIT. Instead of the 4mph, 8mph, 9mph, 10mph, that I normally do, I decided to go 1 minute at 4mph, followed by 3 minutes of 10mph. I put in 4 cycles and in the last cycles held the 10mph for 4 minutes. I felt good, even though half way through the HIIT I realized I had not started up my Nike+ SportBand! GAH!

I am seeing, what I believe to be some exponential changes in my body. By applying the "progressive overload" principle that Adam preaches, every day that goes by, my body gets faster, stronger, better. It wasn't long ago that I was still at my 160lbs plateau, well... guess what? I weighed myself today and I am now at 150lbs!

Even though I haven't gotten tested yet, I feel most if not all of those 10 lbs that were lost, were in fat. I am working out the major muscle groups every day, again... applying the progressive overload principle. I also decided to change the caloric deficit in my body, and I am now taking in more calories than I was before, because I was afraid I would fall into starvation mode, despite the fact that I was eating good to begin with.

I don't think anything has changed in me, except that everyday that goes by I feel I put more intensity into my workouts. Time is running out before Mission 1 is over, so I am feeling it more now. The one thing that has changed, is that I began intense core workouts, following David Grisaffi's book. Those circuits make me sweat as if I had just finished a long session of HIIT.

All-in-all, I feel great... and the momentum just keeps building up.

3 comments: said...

Awesome Daniel! You are doing fantastic! 10lbs - woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Great Work Daniel. The six pack is surfacing. Keep going.

Andrew said...

Hey Daniel,

That's a pretty awesome cardio workout, I think I would have struggled with that one at my peak. I would still suggest mixing your 20 minute sessions with some longer ones as the body has a way of adapting very quickly. Try a 45 - 60 minute run and seeing how long you can keep your pulse rate in the training zone, i.e less than about 1662 - 168 bpm.

It all keeps the body guessing. Fantastic work though.

Take care,
