Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 94: Shredding Continues

Wow! Finally integrated a 5 cycle HIIT (4mph 1min, 8mph 1min, 9mph 1min, 10 mph 2mins). Felt good about that and had not done that in the first 12 weeks of my RTP transformation. I then worked out the chest and ended with 30 mins of steady state on the stationary bike.

Question... how long do you guys and gals take at the gym?
I end up taking around 3 hours sometimes. That includes... pre-workout stretching, HIIT, workout, steady state cardio, post-workout stretch, shower, sauna, shower.

Even more when I integrate my ab/core workout, which adds another 30 minutes to my already LONG workout.

How about you guys?


MarkB said...

I try to be in and out in 45 mins or less :) I don't think I could bear to be in there longer!

Anonymous said...

45 minutes. (60 max) Get in and get out. Anything more starts to feel counter productive.

Check out Turbulance Training as a strategy to shorten your workouts, but keep the intensity.

Michael said...

I don't allow myself more than an hour of lifting. I do not do cardio on days when I lift UNLESS I wait 8 hours and do it as a second session at the gym. To me, more than an hour is counter productive.

Debbie said...

About an hour. Though at times I'd like to stay longer but usually have many other things to get done. My gym doesn't have showers or sauna.

Jeremy said...

usually an hr - no more than 1, 15min

I try to get in and out.


Depending on how you train, you might want to lower the number of sets and/or exercises you do per lifting session. From what I've read, a bulk of your time is spent doing Cardio. Pretty intensely I might add, haha. Personally, I reserve cardio for early in the morning. Recently, however, I've had to do it after lifting. Still, even then, I make it a 20 minute, high intensity HIIT session.

Another idea:

alternate days in which you do HIIT and steady state. In my experience, I usually perform more poorly when multiple HIIT sessions are performed on consecutive days. But that's just my body. I'm not sure what you're limit is.

Check out HST training. It's how I am able to keep my sessions so short, even with added cardio.

Good luck,

keep it up !


Anonymous said...

45 min to an hour tops! I alternate Cardio and weights. Hardly ever do cardio on lifting days unless I do a short HIIT session

Marbella said...

I don´t go to a gym things here at home, but am putting time in on walking while the weather is still summery. They always say to get in, do it fast, orderly, no messing around, and get out. Have something to eat afterwards within 15 min. (well, I think I read that..). I would love that sauna bit tho. Might be the most enjoyable part.

Ron said...

Hey, Daniel, how are you doing? Hope you're still able to keep on with working on your fitness goals.