Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 54: Heh, Treadmill, YOU LOSE.

So, I get to the gym today at around noon, in not the best of moods. I dragged myself out of bed, shaking off the remnants of the DOMS that afflicted my legs from the previous day's workout.

I go through my pre-gym ritual (shower, protein drink, visualize, listen to music, etc.), but I am still not feeling it. I wonder if I should stay home, but remember I already took two days off this week.

So I get to the gym and I stretch out longer than usual creating a routine for the day's arms workout. I finish stretching and I sit there, "my treadmill" (the one I always use and with whom I have a love/hate relationship) stares at me. I put in a good HIIT yesterday, but was not completely happy seeing as I wasn't able to go through the full 20 minutes.

I don't do HIIT every single day because of several reasons, but I broke my rule today and went for another HIIT. My reasoning behind that? If I managed to pull off an amazing HIIT and rip that machine to shreds, that would set the pace for the rest of the day's workout. 5 minutes into the HIIT, three words come to my mind.

No matter what.

I don't remember how or why those words formulated in my head, but I ran with it, and I ripped through my HIIT beautifully. 4 cycles of 4mph, 8mph, 9mph (1minute each), and 2 minutes of 10mph. 20 minutes later I got off of that treadmill smiling even though I felt my upper body was about to fall apart, and sweat was dripping off of every single limb.

The rest of my workout was great and I feel like a champ right now.

So, next time you need something to motivate you... whether that be Adam's "Is this pain?" (which I have used many times), or your own personal thing... give "No matter what" a try. In my case, I guess I was determined to finish that HIIT at max potential no matter what, because the rest of the workout would be ho-hum had I not.

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