Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 55: Fathers Day

Quick post today...

Celebrating Father's Day with my family today, think I will be taking today off from the gym.

Have a good one.


Was doing some visualization and mind prep/pumping and thought id post my day 5 picture. Since I never really planned on posting these pictures up on the internet, and was using them mainly to keep a visual track of my body during my transformation, I am actually in underwear (briefs) in the majority of the pictures. Hah... so I am not too sure those will be going up on the net anytime soon, as much as I would like to be able to show everyone a timelapse video.


Mike Groom said...

Daniel, great job on your work so far. You have come a long way.

Welcome to success, welcome to the Shredder community. I hope to see joining the ShredderSphere in 30 days.

Cheers, Mike

p.s. come by and see what I'm up to at

Daniel GP said...


Thanks! Like I posted in your blog, you and the rest of the shredders are great, and its comforting to know there are others out there going through the same journey.

You can count on me being there in the ShredderSphere in 30 days.

-Dan said...

Welcome to the Shredder Blogroll Daniel! I read your whole blog and it's a great story. Glad to have you on the "team" and part of the shredder community! Love, Lilla

Marbella said...

Hi Daniel,
Am just thrilled, very thrilled to welcome ANOTHER real Texan to the ShreddersVille group. Wow, what fun to have you on the team. Now we can gang up on all the rest! Will come back to see you soon.